
Tag: Google analytics

Analytics & Data

Google Updates the Admin Page and Email Scheduler for Google Analytics

November 17, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Google announced two new features in Google Analytics updates that aid how users manage the administration of reports. It issued a redesign of the administration page and an email scheduler update. Both features enhance how analytics should be managed. Google […]

Analytics & Data

When to Use AI to Forecast Website Data

October 20, 2023

Via: CMSWire

So many business tips regarding AI are aimed at content creation. But is Bard or ChatGPT also useful for deeper AI data analysis? From an analytics perspective, it’s a complicated yes, made uncomplicated if you take the right steps. Features […]

Analytics & Data

Using YouTube Channel Analytics to Manage Customer Experiences

September 8, 2023

Via: CMSWire

While Google Analytics had many marketers scurrying to meet the transition deadline to GA4 this year, marketers should also consider this pivotal moment in digital marketing to adjust their analytics on other platforms. If they are using video, then YouTube […]

Analytics & Data

Your GA4 Is Now Live: Essential Next Steps Smart Marketers Should Take

July 21, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Migrating from Google’s Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4 has been a top priority for digital marketers and analysts. But with the deadline to adopt GA4 now past, marketers may be left with a collective shrug of what to do next. […]

Analytics & Data

It’s a New Era of Google Analytics Reporting. Are You Ready?

July 17, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Congratulations! You put in the work, rallied your engineers, and successfully migrated from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Now what? How do you pull the data you need to make well-informed marketing decisions? With GA4, there’s an abundance […]

Analytics & Data

Storing UA Data: Your Best Last-Minute Google Analytics Transition Play

June 1, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Google has been putting in extra effort for its second major transition in the realm of analytics. Those who work closely with analytics may recall the introduction of Universal Analytics, which, in an ironic twist, is set to be superseded […]

Analytics & Data

8 Google Analytics 4 Features That Leave Universal Analytics in the Dust

March 22, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of two articles covering key aspects of the upcoming retirement of Universal Analytics and transition to Google Analytics 4. See the first article here: Google Analytics: 4 Tips to Transition from […]

Analytics & Data

Google Analytics: 4 Tips to Transition from Universal Analytics

March 7, 2023

Via: CMSWire

Google Analytics has been the staple analytics package for many digital teams, which have relied on it to track website usage and success for a number of years. Of course, part of the reason for this is Google Analytics’ freemium […]

Analytics & Data

The Value of Site Search to Your Customer Experience Analytics

December 5, 2022

Via: CMSWire

Google Analytics (GA) may be introducing a lot of changes to the analytics workflow with GA4, but one kind of workflow that marketers can steadily rely upon is site search. I covered the site search feature in Google Analytics back […]

Analytics & Data

New Google Analytics Metrics Improve How Marketers Learn About Customer Experience

October 18, 2022

Via: CMSWire

UTM tags are a cornerstone of analytics strategy. Their role with digital ad links has expanded into links for social media, email and QR codes. Today most marketers are very familiar with the UTM parameters, a legacy of Urchin measurement […]

Analytics & Data

How to Set Up Conversion Events in Google Analytics 4

December 15, 2021

Via: CMSWire

What’s in a name? Is a conversion by any other name not as sweet? One thing you might have noticed about analytics platforms: they can change the names of metrics at the drop of a hat. We see this in […]

Analytics & Data

Google Adds Search Console integration to Google Analytics, New Data Attribution Modeling

October 5, 2021

Via: Social Media Today

As it slowly progresses towards a cookie-free web environment, which will change the way data can be processed and attributed, Google’s looking to add more machine learning tools into Google Analytics, as well as additional insights elements to help marketers […]

Analytics & Data

How Google Analytics Tech Report Can Inform an App Launch or Marketing Strategy

August 20, 2021

Via: CMSWire

While marketing analysts are still reviewing GA4 features to determine what works and what doesn’t work for their strategy, one report remains a stalwart for helping plan effective app launches: Google Analytics Tech report. The Tech report provides a clear […]

Analytics & Data

How to Coordinate Google Analytics Reporting Access

August 6, 2021

Via: CMSWire

Coordinating analytics reporting across a team can feel like whack-a-mole rather than a progressive workflow. Who is in charge of updating an analytics report? Who should be notified when reports are updated? Who no longer needs to be notified? To […]

Analytics & Data

Combining Data from Google Analytics and Other Sources

July 20, 2021

Via: Practical Ecommerce

Google Analytics provides data from a website or app on engagement, conversions, and transactions. However, many online merchants need data from other sources, such as search engines, social media, affiliates, and more. Some of these sources can be connected or […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

8 Tips To Minimize Bounce Rate on Blog Pages

July 8, 2021

Via: CMSWire

Blogs can be a great way to connect more deeply with customers, visitors, and prospects, but they’re not without their challenges and minimizing your content’s bounce rate can be a big one. The truth is that there are many reasons […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

Highlights From Google’s Marketing Livestream

June 4, 2021

Via: CMSWire

Google Marketing Livestream 2021 featured marketing innovations in lead generation, audience insights, search image ads, customer data privacy and in-app content on YouTube and digital video. “Overall, a lot of these changes are in line with Google’s shift toward improved […]

Analytics & Data

Google Ads announces privacy-focused changes for Analytics, Tag Manager and enhanced conversions

May 13, 2021

Via: MarTech Today

In a Google Marketing Livestream preview announcement of upcoming product launches, Vidhya Srinivasan, Vice President of Engineering at Google Ads, wrote about machine learning in Google Analytics, consent mode for Tag Manager, and enhanced conversions with first-party data. Machine learning […]

Mobile Commerce, Mobile Marketing

Don’t Be Fooled by Data: How to Make Data Analysis in Mobile Marketing Plain and Simple

April 19, 2021

Via: MarketingProfs

What Is Marketing Analytics? In a general sense, analytics is the feedback received as a result of your actions. It is thanks to feedback that a person can make rational conclusions about their behavior. In business, everything works in the […]

Analytics & Data

Four ways to use your website data to discover missed sales opportunities

March 22, 2021

Via: Searchenginewatch

In the age of online marketing and data intelligence, every click matters. Traffic is a great metric for the potential success of your business, after all. Alas, traffic means little without conversions. A brick-and-mortar store that sees plenty of footfall […]