
Tag: Future of Work


How Mobile Technology Impacts The HR Industry

May 31, 2016

Via: itCurated

We use mobile devices for nearly everything, from shopping and researching to scheduling our daily lives. In fact, more than 85 percent of U.S. millennials own a smartphone and use it frequently throughout the day. Businesses are already optimizing their use of […]


Digital Transformation Will Happen To You: 5 Things You Must Do To Prepare

April 27, 2016

Via: itCurated

Digital technology has changed nearly everything we know about the world. Mobile devices have liberated us from our desks. Organizations, people, and devices are more intertwined. Infrastructure, software, and services are easier to deploy, scale, and host. And the shrinking […]


Why Engagement Happens In Employees’ Hearts, Not Their Minds

February 9, 2016

Via: itCurated

Winning your employees over to stick with the company long-term involves an array of factors—but first among those is love. What are the real drivers of human engagement in the workplace? What are those things that consistently inspire people to […]


4 Simple Solutions For Running A Better Business In 2016

January 5, 2016

Via: itCurated

Every year millions of business owners use January 1st as an opportunity to clean out the old, and bring in the new. They resolve to get rid of bad habits (e.g. mismanaging their time) while introducing good habits such as […]


Digital Transformation Isn’t About Mobile—It’s About Mobility

December 17, 2015

Via: itCurated

The mobile craze has taken the world by storm. Businesses are optimizing their websites for mobile, and consumers are using their hand held gadgets to learn more about—and make purchases from—their new favorite brands. Entrepreneurs looking to cash in on […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

Digital Transformation Is Different For Every Business. Let Your Talent And Your Customers Guide You

December 3, 2015

Via: itCurated

Whenever a new technology is introduced, a new practice emerges, or research changes thought leadership, people often look at the information like it’s a blueprint. The veritable “Word of God.” The reality is that many emerging trends may not apply […]


Five Important Ways Mobility Empowers The Workforce

November 27, 2015

Via: itCurated

Say you’re in an unfamiliar town, and you’re craving sushi. You whip out your phone and type – or simply say – “sushi restaurants nearby.” Before you can blink an eye, you have a host of highly rated restaurants all […]


What’s All The Buzz About Drones?

November 17, 2015

Via: itCurated

Imagine you’re relaxing on a sunny beach when along comes an annoying buzz that rises above the sound of your radio. It could be a banner plane or a jet-ski — or it could be an unmanned aircraft system (UAS), […]

Advertising & Marketing

Take Your Mobile Adoption to the Next Level

August 21, 2015

Via: itCurated

The script has flipped. Business used to be the driving force behind technological innovation. But with the increasing pervasiveness of mobile, consumer apps are the ones propelling the biggest advances in the workplace. “I think, over the last decade, we’ve […]

Mobile Commerce

Tending The Leadership Pipeline: It’s All About Engagement

August 20, 2015

Via: itCurated

Workplace lore has it that a manager who hires a Millennial is facing a number of challenges. Among them: how to engage and retain a generation marked as me-centric, fickle, not versed in social business etiquette and prone to jumping […]