
Tag: Firefox


Firefox turns controversial new encryption on by default in the US

February 25, 2020

Via: The Verge

Starting today, Mozilla will turn on by default DNS over HTTPS (DoH) for Firefox users in the US, the company has announced. DoH is a new standard that encrypts a part of your internet traffic that’s typically sent over an […]


Mozilla issues Firefox fix following weekend of extension woes

May 6, 2019

Via: Apple Insider

On Friday, a large number of Firefox users discovered some add-ons that previously worked fine were no longer functional. Attempts to download new extensions from Firefox’s online archives also failed to install successfully, leaving many users unhappy with their browser […]

Analytics & Data, Technology

DevTools Showdown: Edge’s F12 vs Firefox vs Chrome

September 24, 2015

Via: itCurated

The Developer Tools of Microsoft Edge, the new default browser of Windows 10 got a modern design and a few new features compared to its predecessor, Internet Explorer 11‘s F12 Dev Tools. The question of whether Microsoft Edge’s dev tools […]


Google, Mozilla Disable Flash Over Security Concerns

July 15, 2015

Via: itCurated

For a while Tuesday, Silicon Valley turned off its Flash. Mozilla’s Firefox and Google’s Chrome browsers blocked old versions Adobe’s animation software — often used to play online videos — following news reports that hackers were using a security bug […]