
Why you should be using mobile shopping apps

April 16, 2015

Via: itCurated

If you consider yourself above using your mobile device for the purpose of shopping, Jack Wallen challenges you to think again.

You shop. Period. Everyone does. It doesn’t matter who you are, but at some point in your week, you will shop. You might have to rush out of the office and pick up a laundry list of IT supplies. You might be the designated staff member to refill the community fridge. You might have been instructed by the wife or husband to pick up the ingredients for dinner on the way home.

You will shop. If you happen to hold the power of mobility in the palm of your hand, you’ll shop smart. How do you do that? You can tackle the task in two different ways:

  • Grab a Post-it and jot down what you need to pick up (and where from)
  • Open up a shopping app and enter what you need

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