comScore Gives U.K. Marketers What They’ve Been Waiting For

comScore Gives U.K. Marketers What They’ve Been Waiting For

February 27, 2015

Via: itCurated

On Wednesday, comScore announced the launch of comScore Mobile Metrix in the United Kingdom.

This development brings with it the next generation of mobile audience measurement to the market.

Mobile Metrix utilizes comScore’s Unified Digital Measurement (UDM) for smartphones and tablets, combining passive on-device measurement via mobile panels with census-level data to provide detailed insights into mobile media usage across apps and mobile browsing.

Mobile Metrix, comScore says, is designed to provide several key benefits to ensure complete and actionable measurement of the mobile ecosystem, including measurement of secure HTTPS traffic, a stronger approach to demographic attribution, comprehensive measurement across app and browser usage, etc.

“With mobile consumers spending an average of 60 hours a month engaging with content on smartphones and tablets, the importance of understanding how consumers are accessing content across these devices is imperative whether you are an advertiser, agency or content owner,” said Mike Read, SVP and Managing Director for comScore in the UK. “Mobile Metrix provides granular insight into audiences and their content consumption across smartphones and tablets, giving publishers and advertisers alike the data they need to optimise mobile strategies and better understand the competitive landscape.”

comScore Gives U.K. Marketers What They’ve Been Waiting For

comScore Gives U.K. Marketers What They’ve Been Waiting For

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