
Tag: Mobile Devices

Apps & Sites, Mobile Commerce

Optimizing for position zero: The future of voice search

November 21, 2019


Digital assistants are becoming increasingly prominent in our homes and on mobile devices, and their ubiquity will only increase. But where exactly is the brand play in voice search? How developed is the opportunity, and what specific strategies do brands […]

Mobile Commerce, Mobile Marketing

How RCS Chat Will Impact Marketing

August 16, 2019

Via: CMSWire

More than three in four mobile devices are running Android, yet the operating system doesn’t have a default SMS alternative like iMessage. With Google taking over the rollout of RCS for Android users, the future of this SMS replacement looks […]

E-payment & Security, Technology

6 Safety Steps to Making Secure Mobile Transactions

January 24, 2019

Via: Hongkiat

Mobile devices and smartphones are still new ideas in the tech community. Compared to home computers and laptops, the common mobile smartphone has only been around for a couple of years now. But having quickly grown to popularity, there are […]


30+ Useful Android Apps for Power Users (2018)

November 13, 2018

Via: Hongkiat

Android, with all its design charm and ease of use, is one of the most powerful platforms for mobile devices. However, in order to use your Android device to its full potential, you need the right kind of apps. There […]

Mobile Commerce, Mobile Marketing

The mobile marketing checklist you need for 2018

January 24, 2018


In today’s interconnected and technology-dependent world, businesses can no longer afford to stay away from mobile. With roughly three-quarters of Americans owning a smartphone, and mobile conversions being up 64% compared to desktops, businesses have no choice but to adjust […]

E-payment & Security, Technology

Walmart, Google Enter Voice-Shopping Fray

August 25, 2017

Via: Ecommerce Times

Walmart and Google, two of Amazon’s biggest rivals, on Wednesday announced a partnership that will let customers use Google’s Home speaker and a number of voice-assisted mobile devices to shop online at Walmart. Their mutual goal is to eat away […]


Video Marketing Trends: 12 Optimization Techniques to Know

January 26, 2017

Via: Social Media Today

If you haven’t heard,  video is the most engaging type of online content available today. In recent years we’ve seen brands like Red Bull, Netflix, GoPro, and Cisco achieve massive success with video, using the medium to build awareness, create emotional connection and […]


BlackBerry unveils single console for mobility management

June 8, 2016

Via: itCurated

BlackBerry has moved ahead with acquisitions and new products as it aims to secure any communications endpoint, including smartphones and cars. And today the company announced it has created a single secure management platform and console for devices on multiple […]

E-payment & Security, Technology

Samsung Pay Announces Important New Support for Marketers

May 20, 2016

Via: itCurated

Samsung Electronics America, Inc. announced today that Samsung Pay is giving U.S. users another way to “slim down their physical wallets” with the support of membership features. Samsung Pay users now have “easy, direct access” to merchant membership and loyalty […]


iPhone SE, iPad Pro Presale Orders Are Starting

March 25, 2016

Via: itCurated

If you’re looking for a smaller iPhone or need to upgrade your iPad, Apple is accepting preorders for its latest mobile devices, the iPhone SE and the smaller iPad Pro. Apple began taking orders for the iPhone SE and iPad […]

Mobile Marketing

SMS Marketing: What Not To Do

March 3, 2016

Via: itCurated

SMS marketing can be one of the most powerful tools in an organization’s arsenal and as such, should be treated with a degree of judiciousness and respect. It’s all too easy to overdo text messaging to your recipients knowing that […]


Why every enterprise will soon be addicted to cross-device data

February 24, 2016

Via: itCurated

We’ve seen this building for years – the lines are blurring between mobile and desktop activities for consumers. We’re fast approaching the tipping point where the actual device you’re using – no matter the activity – becomes irrelevant. More than half […]

Mobile Marketing

comScore: U.S. Smartphone Ownership Nears 200 Million

February 9, 2016

Via: itCurated

On Friday, MMW learned from comScore the latest insights made possible by the company’s MobiLens and Mobile Metrix. Reporting key trends in the U.S. smartphone industry for December 2015, comScore says the dominance of iOS and Android once again told […]

Analytics & Data

Cisco Forecasts Mobile Data Deluge

February 5, 2016

Via: itCurated

Smartphones and other mobile devices are set to flood the Internet with data in coming years. Cisco Systems Inc.CSCO +1.90%, whose hardware runs much of the Internet, this week estimated that data traffic from cellular networks will rise eightfold by 2020, to 366.8 […]

Mobile Marketing

Adello’s 3D Touch Tech Integration Promises New Experience for Mobile Users

January 7, 2016

Via: itCurated

New 3D touch technology, which adds pressure sensitivity to screen interactions on mobile, could be a welcome treat for consumers. Now Adello, a media buying platform with offices in Europe, North America, and Asia, is the first mobile adtech company […]


IDC Report: Mobile Internet Users Will Soar to 2 Billion Globally in 2016

December 31, 2015

Via: itCurated

While more and more people worldwide have access to the internet — 3.2 billion people (44 percent of the global population) in 2016, according to International Data Corporation (IDC ) — now comes word that more than 2 billion will […]

Mobile Marketing

Smartphones Are Toughest Monetization Nut to Crack

December 29, 2015

Via: itCurated

It’s hard enough to monetize across all the screens and devices people now access. The toughest nut to crack? Probably the smartphone, according to new research. According to an AdMonsters analysis, two-thirds of U.S. publishing professionals said that smartphones caused […]


Black Friday Stampede? Maybe — But On Mobile

December 2, 2015

Via: itCurated

Black Friday has become not only a shopping day par excellence, but also a sort of cultural experience, complete with video recaps of people crashing the doors of major retailers — and sometimes crashing into each other. But things may […]


Samsung Gear VR Powered by Oculus is Ready for Market

November 12, 2015

Via: itCurated

VRJournal confirmed Tuesday that Samsung Electronics is ready to roll out its eagerly awaited offering to the virtual reality world. The consumer electronics giant has just announced that the new Samsung Gear VR powered by Oculus is available for pre-order […]

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Rapidly Surpassing PCs for Email Engagement

November 6, 2015

Via: itCurated

A new industry benchmark study revealed that more than 70 percent of customers of mobile-centric brands open their email on mobile devices. Kahuna has just released its second industry mobile marketing benchmark report, revealing key insights to help brands engage […]