
Tag: monetization

Apps & Sites, Mobile Commerce

YouTube Softens its Stance on Profanity in Content and its Impact on Monetization

March 7, 2023

Via: Social Media Today

YouTube has announced an update to its incoming policy on profanity in video uploads, and how that will effect monetization, based creator feedback that its pending update was unfair and would have a significant impact on their revenue potential. Back […]

Mobile Commerce, Mobile Marketing

YouTubers Share Results of First Month of Shorts Monetization

March 2, 2023

Via: Social Media Today

So, not a great start for YouTube’s new Shorts ad revenue share process. Last month, YouTube launched its long-awaited Shorts revenue share program, which essentially pools all of the revenue generated via Shorts ads, then re-distributes around half of that […]

Apps & Sites, Mobile Commerce

YouTube Announces Updated Monetization Guidelines, New Analytics Tools in the Mobile App

December 2, 2022

Via: Social Media Today

YouTube has announced an update to its Advertiser Friendly Guidelines which dictate what content is eligible for monetization in the app. Creators have often expressed frustration at YouTube’s regulations on this front, and the various changes in policy and approach, […]

Apps & Sites, Mobile Commerce

YouTube’s Looking to Provide Direct Monetization for Shorts, a Big Shift in the Short-Form Content Battle

September 16, 2022

Via: Social Media Today

Could this be a killer blow for TikTok and its short-form video leadership? That might sound like an extreme take, but YouTube, via YouTube Shorts, is ramping up its pitch for top short-form creative talent, with The New York Times […]

Apps & Sites, Mobile Commerce

Twitter Launches New ‘Twitter Create’ Mini-Site to Highlight Monetization Opportunities for Creators

May 24, 2022

Via: Social Media Today

Creators are the new currency for social media networks, with every platform now working to sweeten its deal in order to keep the top creative talent posting to their apps, and keep their fans coming back to check in on […]

Mobile Commerce, Mobile Marketing

TikTok Launches New ‘Branded Mission’ Creator Monetization and UGC Promotion Process

May 18, 2022

Via: Social Media Today

TikTok’s looking to make it easier for creators to make money from their clips via a new program that it’s calling ‘Branded Mission’, which will enable creators to take part in what’s essentially branded content challenges, with the brand then […]

Apps & Sites, Mobile Commerce

TikTok Takes First Steps Towards Improved Creator Monetization with ‘Pulse’ Program

May 4, 2022

Via: Social Media Today

As I’ve been saying to anyone who’ll listen over the past two years, while TikTok is growing at an astronomical rate, and is on track to become the most popular social media platform overall (maybe not in overall users, but […]

Platforms, Technology

Google Launches ‘Google for Creators’ Platform to Provide Guidance on Digital Content Strategies

October 21, 2021

Via: Social Media Today

Google’s looking to play a bigger role in fueling the burgeoning creator economy with a new platform designed to help creators maximize their efforts. As explained in the video clip, Google’s new ‘Google for Creators’ resource provides a range of […]


Is Google Maps the Next Big Marketing Platform?

July 28, 2016

Via: Social Media Today

Is your business “on the map?” Make sure it is, because maps-oriented user interfaces are becoming as important as the traditional hierarchical list-oriented interfaces (such as SERPs) we’ve grown used to in the past 20 years. Maps’ increased importance as […]


Predictive Analytics Comes to Mobile Ad Mediation

June 1, 2016

Via: itCurated

Ahead of the weekend, Tapjoy announced a partnership with ironSource that will combine Tapjoy’s user level segmentation and predictive analytics capabilities with ironSource’s video mediation solution. The partnership, we’re told, is intended to help mobile app developers ensure the best […]


Will The Collaborative Economy Completely Reimagine Tomorrow’s Big Business?

October 22, 2015

Via: itCurated

Today, the largest car rental and hospitality companies are Uber and Airbnb, respectively. What do they have in common? Let’s see — neither of them own physical possessions associated with their service, and both have turned a non-performing asset into […]