
Tag: Online Advertising

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

Is Radio Advertising a Viable Medium for Brands Today?

August 25, 2023

Via: CMSWire

While online advertising and marketing mediums have considerably evolved, traditional radio remains a relevant and effective advertising medium for businesses today. A July 2023 Statista report revealed that radio is still one of the most powerful mediums in the United […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

How Did Google Get a Stranglehold on the Digital Ad Marketplace?

April 27, 2022

Via: CMSWire

bout 15 years ago, Alphabets Inc.’s Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion, a platform that had only been around for less than two years. Back then, there were about 25 million videos available on YouTube, while now experts estimate tens […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

What to expect from SEO in 2021?

December 28, 2020

Via: Searchenginewatch

From the humble beginnings of the Internet and online advertising, we’ve reached an era where the Internet is an essential communication tool, and online advertising is valued at more than 400 billion dollars a year, more prominent than even the […]

Mobile Marketing

Rise of Ad-Blocking Software Threatens Online Revenue

June 1, 2016

Via: itCurated

Many of the world’s largest Internet companies, like Google and Facebook, rely heavily on advertising to finance their online empires. But that business model is increasingly coming under threat, with one in five smartphone users, or almost 420 million people […]

Mobile Marketing

Do You Know Your Algorithmic Generation from Your Predictive Attribute? IAB Fine-Tunes the Lexicon of Online Advertising

January 28, 2016

Via: itCurated

The great thing about the brave new world of online marketing is that there’s something new every day. The bad thing? New terms crop up that sow as much confusion as they shed light. But the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) […]

Mobile Marketing

Advertising: Marketing in the Moments, to Reach Customers Online

January 19, 2016

Via: itCurated

MOMENTS are having a moment in advertising. Or at least a micromoment. As people flit from app to app online, they have little patience for any interruption, especially a banner ad or, heaven forbid, a 30-second commercial. Moments, whether they […]

Mobile Marketing

Tech Fix: Putting Mobile Ad Blockers to the Test

October 5, 2015

Via: itCurated

To block ads or not to block ads on your mobile device? That’s the philosophical dilemma facing consumers since Apple added support for ad blockers to its iPhone operating system a couple of weeks ago. To help answer the question, […]


Consumers Are in a Crisis of Attention

September 11, 2015

Via: itCurated

Matthew B. Crawford’s book, “The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction,” documents the many ways that our attention gets chewed up and spit out on a daily basis. Naturally, that includes ads. Crawford […]

Advertising & Marketing

Malvertising Headache Swells to Migraine Proportions

August 27, 2015

Via: itCurated

Online advertising that pushes malicious software to consumers has increased 325 percent over the past year, Cyphort Labs has reported. Malvertising is adding to what is already a significant problem for online advertisers. Ad fraud will cost global advertisers more […]

Advertising & Marketing

The Web’s Most Effective Ads

May 21, 2015

Via: itCurated

In the noisy world of digital marketing, these four retargeting channels can bring previous site visitors back to your online store. Read More