
Tag: online ads

Advertising & Marketing, News, Technology

The US government is getting ready to sue Google for monopolizing online ads

May 15, 2020

Via: The Verge

The Justice Department and a coalition of state attorneys general are likely to file antitrust charges against Google in the coming months, according to a new report by The Wall Street Journal. The reporting is consistent with earlier statements by […]

Advertising & Marketing

As Ad Blockers Gain Traction, Targeted Messaging Falls Short

April 20, 2016

Via: itCurated

An Accenture study finds that online ads are unpopular with most consumers, while ad-blocking tools are making it easier than ever to tune out unwanted messaging. How are you supposed to promote your brand? Most consumers dislike online ads, and […]

Mobile Commerce

Ad-Blocking Software –The Next Major Challenge Digital Marketers Need to be Aware of

August 11, 2015

Via: itCurated

Let’s face it, online ads can be annoying. While we know full well that nothing comes for free, and that many websites, particularly social media platforms, rely on advertising revenue to provide their services, even then, sometimes those ads can […]