
Tag: millenials


Why Millennials Care About Purpose-Driven Business

December 15, 2016

Via: DigitalistMag

Today’s tumultuous economy makes running any successful business seem like a herculean task. Yet a new wave of purpose-driven businesses are not simply surviving, they are thriving despite a fickle economy. So who’s helping some of the most purpose-driven enterprises become […]

Advertising & Marketing

It’s Time to Segment Your Millennial Audience

November 8, 2016

Via: Social Media Today

A few weeks ago, I sat down with the media director within my agency to talk about a client pitch. We were drilling down their marketing objectives, when we both stopped at a line in their strategic brief that made us roll our eyes. Their […]

Advertising & Marketing

Once video killed the radio star. Now Gen Z surfers are becoming witnesses to social media’s murder of TV.

August 16, 2016

Via: Smart Insights

According to a confluence of newly published reports, marketers are already grabbing the first crop of naïve cohorts; Generation Z; the teen generation. Based on a poll of 1,000 adults (including millennials) and 400 teens, professional services firm Ernst & […]


Attention Marketers: Millennials Going Mobile for Christmas Shopping

December 9, 2015

Via: itCurated

The findings of a new survey shared with us recently by Dynatrace and Harris Poll reveal a powerful penchant for mobile shopping this holiday season. Although the full report is available here, the infographic shared below hits on all the […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

Holiday Marketing As You Know It Has Been Upended: How Midsized Merchants Can Compete with REI’s Shock & Awe Campaign

October 29, 2015

Via: itCurated

There’s something curious happening to the holidays. Historically, brands have captivated audience attention most during this time of year. Toy ads abound, catalogs show up on your doorstep, lists are made, purchases placed and retailers reap a seemingly ever-increasing amount […]

E-payment & Security, Mobile Commerce

Article: Millennials Embrace Mobile Banking

August 18, 2015

Via: itCurated

Millennials are adopting mobile banking at a much higher rate than their parents and grandparents. According to eMarketer’s latest US mobile phone banking usage forecast, nearly 59% of 18-to-34-year-old mobile phone users in the country will access their bank, credit […]