
Tag: mobile experience


6 Things to Tune TODAY to Prepare Your Mobile Experience for Holiday ’19

August 13, 2019

Via: Get Elastic

Holiday’s the season to reach new customers — according to Google, 61% of shoppers were open to buying from new retailers during the 2018 holiday season, and 46% did buy from a new retailer in the 2017 season. While promotions, […]

Mobile Commerce

The Page Speed update: what SEOs need to know

August 21, 2018


Page speed has been a ranking factor for desktop searches since April 2010, but it was never officially a ranking factor for mobile searches (despite what we’ve all suspected for a long time). Not until July 2018, that is, when […]


Bad Mobile Experience can Make or Break Customer Loyalty

June 24, 2016

Via: itCurated

  85 per cent of consumers are unlikely to do business with the same organisation again following a bad mobile experience, new figures show, highlighting the importance of a reliable, consistent approach to consumer engagement and service on mobile. According […]