
Tag: metric

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

How writers can optimize content for a variety of search engines

May 4, 2020

Via: Searchenginewatch

Optimizing your content for just one search engine can be a challenge, as we‘ve still got no idea what Google expects. There is a range of different tools out there designed to help, but they‘re all merely making educated guesses. […]

Platforms, Technology

Goodbye to average position on Google SERPs

May 28, 2019


Just when you thought Google was done shaking things up within their Google Ads platform, they did it again with their announcement that the “Average Position” metric would be sunset later this year. Come September, we’ll have to start relying […]


One Thing All Digital Marketers Must Do This Year (or You’ve Failed)

January 11, 2017


In business, one of the most important questions you can answer is: how much does it cost to acquire one customer? That metric is called cost per acquisition (CPA). It’s important because it’s the number that tells you if you […]