
Tag: customer analytics

Analytics & Data

What Is Customer Analytics? And Why It Matters

November 13, 2023

Via: CMSWire

In an era where data is everything, understanding the intricacies of customer analytics is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition. The ability to dissect and use customer data can spell the difference between a thriving enterprise […]

Analytics & Data

New Google Analytics Metrics Improve How Marketers Learn About Customer Experience

October 18, 2022

Via: CMSWire

UTM tags are a cornerstone of analytics strategy. Their role with digital ad links has expanded into links for social media, email and QR codes. Today most marketers are very familiar with the UTM parameters, a legacy of Urchin measurement […]


8 Ways to Segment Your Customer Data

July 13, 2017

Via: CMSWire

I recently had lunch with some smart data scientists, marketers and general analytics folks when we started listing all the different ways we segment customer data, what kinds of data we search for when the answers are lacking, and how […]

Advertising & Marketing, Technology

Mastering Customer Experience Starts With Customer Journey Mapping

February 9, 2016

Via: itCurated

Marketing in the modern world means making a personalized connection with your consumer base. The old way of blindly advertising and marketing based on vague data about generalized demographics doesn’t accomplish that goal. With better analytics and information than ever […]