
Tag: online commerce


Don’t Confuse Ecommerce With Digital Experience

November 2, 2017

Via: CMSWire

Not long ago, ecommerce was a trendy concept. It was a new way for us to do the things that we did before. Today, ecommerce is part of our lives. It fundamentally changed the way we do things. Take, for […]


5 Smart Brand Protection Strategies For 2017 (And Beyond)

July 12, 2017

Via: DigitalistMag

You’ve gone to a lot of effort and expense building high-quality products and a brand reputation that reflects a dedication to quality and value. But if your sales channel includes a mix of distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, you can quickly […]


What Retailers Can Learn From Amazon’s New Reactionary Attitude

April 14, 2017

Via: DigitalistMag

Amazon’s cash blowing ways force competitors to lower prices, speed up delivery, and add programs with bells and whistles. But the company’s latest move is raising eyebrows. For once, Amazon has moved from offense to defense. That’s because Walmart has emerged […]

Advertising & Marketing

30 Tools to Create Online Quizzes, Polls & Surveys – Best of

November 4, 2015

Via: itCurated

Quizzes, tests and exams are some of the best way to gauge a student’s grasp of a subject in school. Similarly, polls and surveys are great feedback tools for intelligence gathering and for marketing purposes. If you are a teacher […]


Buying on Mobile: Move Over eBay, Here Comes Google

May 21, 2015

Via: itCurated

Could Google outsell Amazon and eBay? That’s the headline on a Wall Street Journal story this week about the search giant’s plan to add buy buttons to mobile search hits soon. “The buttons will accompany sponsored—or paid—search results, often displayed […]