The 5 Biggest Failed Marketing Trends of 2017  (and What’s Hot for 2018)

The 5 Biggest Failed Marketing Trends of 2017 (and What’s Hot for 2018)

December 20, 2017


Every year, we read about what promises to be the hottest marketing ideas that belong in our content strategies.

And–don’t get me wrong–it’s important to try new things in order to keep our branded content fresh–it’s a big part of the reason my content marketing agency Masthead Media makes a point to attend content marketing conferences every year.

That said, some just turn out to be duds (or, at the very least, not worth the investment). While these ideas were on the trending radar at some point, it’s time to phase them out in 2018. Make room–and set aside budget–for the next crop of promising marketing ideas.