Conversion Rate Optimization: 25 Tips to Improve Conversions and Increase Revenue

Conversion Rate Optimization: 25 Tips to Improve Conversions and Increase Revenue

May 14, 2015

Via: itCurated

This is the fourth post in our #SellMore series around Conversion Rate Optimization. We’ve explained why conversion rate is important for ecommerce, how to uncover and optimize your conversion funnel and how to retarget and re-engage those conversions you’re losing (yes, it’s happening to the very best of you). This week, we’ll be helping you fine-tune your online store’s conversion funnel in order to boost your conversion rate overall.

For the most part, it’s pretty apparent that the majority of online store owners focus on aesthetics rather than conversions. In other words, as you get started online, many store owners prioritize design over conversion funnel optimization –– and that’s ok. Design is a big part of optimizing for conversions, but once you have the aesthetics out of the way, it’s essential that you implement additional conversion step functions to gain new customers and grow your revenue.

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